
Weight vs. Weight

A few days ago I wrote a post in which I mentioned that I hadn't seen any change on the scale during my last weigh-in and how discouraging that can be. I talked about how important it is to keep track of measurements and to look for small victories, such as having more energy and being able to do more in your workout than you could the previous week. 

On that note, I was so excited, a few days ago, to notice a very big change in my physical fitness. I was doing the upper body workout on the 21 Day Fix program, and I noticed that the size weights I was using were too light! The instructor has you use a set of light weights and a set of heavy weights for various exercises. I had been using 3 pound weights for my light set and 5 pounders for my heavies. But that day, I was able to bump up to 5 for the light and 8 for the heavy weights! Wow! What an achievement!

It's all these little accomplishments that add up over time and give you the big results you're so anxiously looking for. Don't discount these little milestones. They are what is going to continue to encourage you when you get discouraged because the number on the scale isn't moving as quickly as you would like. 

Every extra minute you complete in a workout. 

Every squat and lunge you do more than last time. 

Every extra burpee you complete. 

Every extra sit-up. 

Every push-up.

Every extra rep. 

Every pound of weight you lift in a dumbbell will eventually add up to pounds on the scale.

Keep going. You are going to rock this. 

As long as you don't quit on yourself.

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