
It's About So Much More Than Losing Weight

How true that statement is.

When you first start off on your journey to health and fitness, your goals are usually pretty much the same as everyone else who wants to lose weight and get control of their lives. You are focused on the physical changes you want to see. You have a goal weight in mind. You imagine yourself being able to wear skinny jeans and walk on the beach in a bathing suit, feeling sexy and confident. You want to look in the mirror and smile instead of cringing. You're human. It's natural to compare yourself to the toned bodies you see in the magazines and on TV. We all want to feel good about ourselves and feel attractive.

But what if the healthy, toned physique is actually just a by-product? What if the most important thing you gain from all of your hard work of exercising and eating right, actually happens on the inside? Did you ever consider that along with gaining physical strength, you are also gaining other kinds of strength?

Strength of Character

Strength of Will

Strength of Discipline

Strength of Conviction

Strength of Persistence

Strength of Self Control

Strength of Integrity

Strength of Courage

Strength of Vitality

Strength of Hope

And even Strength of Spirit

Who knew that so much could be gained from a little exercise and healthy eating? And you thought you were just losing some pounds and inches! Compared to all the other strengths you gain, the physical strength seems almost insignificant. Not that it isn't important to take care of your physical body. On the contrary. It's a two-way street. The discipline it takes to forge ahead and do the work of creating that strong body is what helps you gain the other strengths. Sure, someone could have a lot of those strengths without being physically fit, but they are going to have a hard time having ALL of those strengths. Think about it. It's going to be really hard to have Strength of Discipline when you let your body go and don't take care of it. It's kind of hard to have the one, without the other.

So next time you are working out and you are noticing how strong you are getting physically, ask yourself if you are noticing increased strength in other areas of your life, as well. You might be surprised to find the answer is yes!

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