
Back To The Beginning Again

A little history about me.

And my struggle with weight and weight loss.


Once upon a time there was a shy little girl. She was skinny and wore glasses. She had crooked teeth. She was extremely unsure of herself. She was a late bloomer. She never felt like she fit in.

As she was finishing up high school, she finally finished the maturation process and was blossoming into womanhood. Unfortunately, someone very close to her... someone who's opinion of her was extremely important to her... said some mean things to her about her blossoming womanhood.

This person called her fat.

And she believed it.

It didn't matter that she actually wasn't fat. She was just filling out. Getting some womanly curves.

But when she looked in the mirror... she saw a fat girl.

Once that message took hold, it was almost impossible to get it out of her head. In fact, it took about 20 years. 

She could have developed anorexia. But she liked food too much. She could have developed bulimia. But she couldn't stand the thought of making herself throw-up. However, she did develop an eating disorder. But one that is not recognized nearly as often as the two previously mentioned ones.

She became a food addict.

Food was her solace. Her Savior. Food never let her down. It was always there when she needed it. It made her feel satisfied. It calmed her. It helped her forget problems at home. It took away the pain that the abuser inflicted upon her with words.

She started to gain weight. And lose more self esteem. Which made her eat more. It was a vicious cycle.

She tried diets, workout programs, etc. She'd lose some weight. Then gain it back. The yo-yo cycle was exhausting.

Sometimes she was so tired of the weight loss game, she would just give up and eat whatever she wanted. She'd put on pounds, out-grow her clothes, hate what she saw in the mirror, and try again to find the answers.

Fast forward to the present day. She finds a company called Beachbody. They invite her to become a coach. She's excited about the opportunity to help people who have struggled, just like herself. She has always wanted to work in the fitness field, but figured it was impossible unless she had already conquered her own demons and had her own fitness secured.

But Beachbody said, "No. You can join us right now. Use the programs. Be an example to others through your own journey. Be your own best advertisement of how great the products are."

So she took a chance. She signed up in the hopes that being a coach would not only give her the opportunity to help others who struggle with weight issues, but would give her the accountability to stay fit, active, and healthy for life.


So here I am. I am here to help you and coach you... if you'll let me. I've been there. I am there. Let's take this journey to health and wellness together.

You have found a friend here.

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