
The Neverending Story

Remember this movie?

Unfortunately I can't hear the title without the theme song from the movie getting stuck in my head. But it is an appropriate title for my blog post today. If you've read any of my previous posts, you'll start to understand that my life has been a neverending roller coaster ride. Ups and downs with my weight. Ups and downs with my fitness. Ups and downs with my health (both mental and physical). Ups and downs with my life in general.

You'll also notice, if you look between this post and the previous one, that I haven't blogged for almost exactly two years. And that is almost exclusively due to said roller coaster ride. I will be elaborating on the details in future posts, but for now I will just give you a brief synopsis of what my life has entailed over the last two years:

  • Returning to college as an adult to pursue a writing career
  • Tendinitis in my shoulder
  • My teenager having surgery to remove a tumor from her chest
  • Supporting two children serving missions for our church
  • Lower back injury
  • Broken ribs
  • Gaining weight from being laid up with broken ribs
  • High blood pressure from weight gain from being laid up with broken ribs
  • Working on losing the weight after finally recovering from broken ribs
  • A drug addicted teenager in and out of rehab and arrested for shoplifting
  • Missionary #1 returning home and promptly moving out of state
  • Both teens being pulled out of public school
  • Discovering and embracing Kundalini Yoga & Meditation (which has saved my sanity!) 

I probably left something out, but you get the gist. I decided I really NEED to blog again. Partly for the cathartic benefit of venting (and my husband needs a break from listening to me!). Partly because I have actually learned and grown from my trials and have found the silver lining and want to impart my wisdom to anyone who is willing to listen. 

But mostly because writing is like breathing for me. 

And I haven't been doing it nearly enough. 

And for a writer, that is like death. 

Slow. Painful. Death.

So, here I go. Again. I hope you'll join me for the ride. Wait. You're not afraid of a few little ups and downs. 

Are you??

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